Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Forgotten Proof

Delusional and corpulent, how the peregrination of the loss for a sense of time and meaning equates to the cargo aboard a drifting sailing ship at the mercy of the winds and current. Vastness is yet a solvent concept against the backdrop of the dark and eternal night. A selection of paints are intermixed during the terrestrial day, the colors of the familiar rainbow coalescing in a structure of Brownian motion, yet the finality to these perpetually flawless actions takes root in an erroneous balance. Nebulous, snake-bitten and cataclysmic, the expectation towards and antidote remains a fleeting prospect. What does the concoction of red, orange, yellow, green, violet, indigo and blue blended together by the brash machines of politics and gravity yield? Of course the forgotten aftermath of a blinding stimulus to the visual cortex floods yields a white flood, while a complete absence of waves and particles mirrors the unseen emptiness between the stars. An obvious form of reductionism stems from the unique framework of observations, laws and assumptions, both conscious and instinctive which governs the consensus for life as we know it

Approaching the specifics of ocular physiology, the average human genetic disposition coding the ability to actually disseminate the spectrum of light is stringently limited. While the actual behavior of a beam of light is limited to either that of a wave or a packet of energy, implies the stark finality of true unknown quantity. Hence, the hypothetical construct of dark matter is constantly thrust into the known quantity of the unknown and the legend is constantly fueled by the combined weight of the atoms, visible bodies, planets, stars and galaxies falling well short of the total assumed mass of the entire universe. This thought breaches the fabric of curved space and the plausible points of position and time dictating a form of reality. Does ambiguity lead to a conformist mentality? The stirring of the known colors provides and apt metaphor for the droll call from social democrats and architects of utopia. Pure science brandishes a blanket and a cup of hot soup against the unknowns, years and reaches of a godless sky. ‘We as a race are parasites against the canvass of billions of burning candles, only to be judged by the death of Mother Earth and poisoned by our deeds and hopes riding through the wilderness in tiny probes sent out to observe, yet not to invade,” pleads the echoes from Europe, college campuses and through the channel of envy. Does a complete spiritual detachment feed the coffers and insightful preponderance of a supposed revolution? The indifference, passivity and individualism of a creator, frightening thought in the wake of the uncertainty principle. A complete absence of optimism and faith may sequester the very framework for a hive mind, a mad mind, an utterly functionless branch in the vibrant tree of evolution. The irony exists that most socialists are Darwinists, however indoctrinated by the clause that change occurs amidst populations and extremes simply act as a canceling force over the course of generations. This troubling salvo of imbonities does not correlate with liberty or happiness.